TSDIA Lodge 2817

We exemplify the very best of what it is to be Italian American

TSDIA             Lodge  2817 - We exemplify the very best of what it is to be Italian American


Festa Italiana
Wine Tasting
Author Night
Bocce Tournament
Celebrity Dairy
Christmas Party
Cookie Swap
Cooking Class
Helen Wright
Italian American Award
Jeopardy Night
USO Hanger Party
We got coal
Wine Tasting 2
Cookie Swap
Limoncello Night
Heritage Night Food
Family Promise Gifts
Heritage Night Singing
Movie Night
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Family Picnic

For over 150 years, Italians have emigrated to America to create a better life for their families. Italian Americans have embraced America as their own while preserving many of our customs, food and song. The goal of Triangle Sons and Daughters of Italy (TSDOI) is to share that culture with everyone. It doesn’t matter if you are

Bocci Tournament

Italian or just enjoy our customs, food and song – we welcome everyone. Throughout the year we

run a variety of events where we share our love of being Italian with anyone who wants to share it with us.  We also focus on giving back to the community that supported our ancestors that arrived here ahead of us.



The Order Sons and Daughters of Italy in America (OSDIA) is the largest and longest-established national organization for men and women of Italian heritage in the United States.

Pasta Making

Established in 1905 as a mutual aid society for early Italian immigrants, today OSDIA has more than 600,000 members and supporters and a network of more than 700

chapters coast to coast, making it the leading service and advocacy organization for the nation’s estimated 26 million

Ricotta Making

people of Italian descent. OSDIA encourages the study of Italian language and culture in American schools and universities; preserving Italian American traditions, culture, history and heritage; and promoting closer cultural relations between the United States and Italy.

“I was motivated to join the Triangle Sons & Daughters of Italy to rekindle certain aspects of the Italian American influenced lifestyle.  The organization offers something of interest to all members whether it be learning about and experiencing Italian culture, sharing an

Italian inspired sport like bocce ball, socializing at an American pastime baseball game, enjoying an Italian meal, performing charity work, or simply chatting about how we retain and share certain aspects of Italian

American culture to our ever evolving and wonderfully diverse families.   Come join us to meet terrific people and participate in fun events. – Don Cimorelli”

Durham Bulls

March 2025 – March 2026 

President: Don Cimorelli
Vice President:  Mike D’Amore
Vice President:  Nick Verna
Secretary: Lisa Rossi
Treasurer:  Ro Verna
Orator:  Billy Ward
Mistress of Ceremonies:  Fran Castellano
Master of Ceremonies:  Bernard Castellano
Guard:  George Scalco
Trustee:  William Delfino
Trustee: Vivian Dewey
Trustee:  Lisa McCall
Trustee:  Mary Muth
Trustee:  Joe Pirozzi
Trustee:  Georgiana Schmidt
Trustee:  Gasper Ilasi
Immediate Past President:  Bob Giannuzzi