TSDIA Lodge 2817

We exemplify the very best of what it is to be Italian American

TSDIA             Lodge  2817 - We exemplify the very best of what it is to be Italian American



Did you grow up in an Italian community and now find yourself missing the warmth and tradition?

Do you love the people, culture, and especially the food of Italy?

Do you want to celebrate your Italian heritage with others like you?

If so, please come to one of our meetings and experience our community for yourself. If you love it as much as we all do, please join!

You need not be of Italian descent to become a member. You simply need a fondness for things Italian.  If you nor your spouse are of Italian descent, you may join as a social member (may not hold office).

Annual membership dues

– $50.00 for the Primary Household Member in a family (Family is defined as a spouse and/or dependents 18 years or older living in the same household.

– $40.00 for each Additional Household Member

Initiation fee – $20 (This is a one-time charge for each new member even if part of a family with multiple members).

We also accept Youth Memberships (10 to 17 years of age) for local descendants of members, with no dues or fees.

Membership Fees for new members are prorated quarterly.  Please select the time period below that you are joining.  Indicate if joining as a Primary Family Member or Primary + Additional Household Member.   A one-time initiation fee of $20 will be added for each member.

Date of Joining                      Primary                                 Primary + Additional

                                               Household Member             Household Member

                                              Initiation Fee Included             Initiation Fee Included

Sep. 1 – Nov. 30                                 ____$70                                 ____$130

Dec. 1 – Feb. 28                                 ____$58                                  ____$109

Mar. 1 – May 31                                  ____$46                                 ____$88

Jun. 1 – Aug. 31 (15 Months Period)  ____$70                                  ____$130

Included with membership is a personalized name badge and a subscription to the Order Sons of Italy national magazine, Italian America, which is full of wonderful information. You’ll also get the great fellowship of other Italian American lodge members!

Submitting Your Application by Mail

To fill out your application by hand and mail it in, click on one of the two links below and print out the application. Then fill out the application and mail it with your check made out to TSOI 2817 to Bernard Castellano, Membership Chair, 405 Wapner Court, Cary, NC 27519. Prorated dues information is available on the application form.

TSDOI Adult Membership Print Application

TSDOI Youth Membership Print Application


Submitting Your Application Electronically

To fill out your application electronically do the following:

1 – Click on TSDOI Adult Membership Electronic Application

2 – Complete the fillable application and save it as a Word document with the following file name format: firstname_lastname_membership_application.doc (ex. nick_verna_membership_application.doc)

3 – Email the Word document to Bernard Castellano at bcas1947@aol.com.

4 – Go to the links below and select the correct payment option according to when you are joining and whether it is just a Primary Member or a Primary + Additional Household Member, then click on the appropriate link below to pay for your membership using Square. 

Sep 1 – Nov 30 New Primary Member Membership Payment

Sep 1 – Nov 30 New Primary + Additional Member Payment

Dec 1 – Feb 28 New Primary Member Membership Payment

Dec 1 – Feb 28 New Primary + Additional Member Payment

Mar 1 – May 31 New Primary Member Membership Payment

Mar 1 – May 31 New Primary + Additional Member Payment

Jun 1 – Aug 31 (15 Month Period) New Primary Member Payment

Jun 1 – Aug 31 (15 Month Period) New Primary + Additional Member Payment


Membership renewals are due by September 1st. The cost is $50 for an individual and $90 for a couple. If renewal payments are not received by September 17th, inactive members will be removed from the roster.

Renew on-line (below) or mail a check made out to TSOI 2817 to:

Bernard Castellano, Membership Chair
405 Wapner Court
Cary, NC 27519

Renew an Individual Membership

Renew a Couple Membership


(For Former Members with expired memberships who did not renew)

Former Members with expired memberships who did not renew during the renewal cycle may apply for re-instatement.  Below is the process to be considered for re-instatement.

  1. The former member completes both the existing standard TSDOI Adult Application for new members and the TSDOI Application Addendum for Re-Instatement.  Email the application materials to Bernard Castellano at bcas1947@aol.com.  The application materials may also be mailed to Bernard Castellano, Membership Chair at 405 Wapner Court, Cary NC 27519.  
  2. The TSDOI Membership Chair reviews the former member’s application materials and contacts the applicant to discuss the initial submission.  The former member is provided the opportunity to make final revisions to his or her application materials.
  3. The Membership Chair submits the former member’s final application materials to the Lodge President.
  4. The Lodge President contacts the former member to discuss his or her application for re-instatement, obtain additional insight into the request for re-instatement, and to share current Lodge expectations that may have changed since the applicant was a member.
  5. At the next Executive Council Meeting, all application materials are presented to the Council by the Membership Chair and the President.  The Membership Chair and the President will convey any additional insight to the Council from their discussions with the applicant.
  6. All Board Members are invited to verbally share any significant information with the Executive Council prior to the Council voting on the request for re-instatement.
  7. The TSDOI Executive Council votes to determine if the applicant will be re-instated, and if so, if there are any other conditions associated with the re-instatement.
  8. The TSDOI Membership Chair communicates the final decision and conditions to the former member.  If re-instated, the Membership Chair informs the former member of the fee to be paid to rejoin the Lodge. 

TSDOI Adult Membership Application

TSDOI Application Addendum for Re-Instatement